



The winter had come; farms are losing 
Their status for hunting, unfertile fields and leafless woods. 
The destruction arrived: cold, storm and hunger. 
Let the time of death begin... 

Samhain, the celebration of dead begins! 

I am stronger in this only night, 
The spirits of my ancestors are closer 
There is an opening between our two worlds 
That unites the force of generations. 

Strengthens my being and dictate my acts 
I invoke you in my offering and sacrifices 
I claim for your wisdom and the opening of my mind 
Guiding me to the destiny that are reserved for me 

Samhain! The celebration of the dead begins 
Samhain! This is the beginning of the new year. 
Torches in the hills invoke the ancestral spirits 
And gods of the most remote time of history 
Joining the mortals like a big strong family 

Today the natural forces are completed 
The guessing arts are in their absolute cycle 
Playing runes, foresee the fortune of the mortals 
And celebrate the life process: Death and Reborn 

And so the circle continues, honoring our ancestors 
We honor our gods!