As the lightning cracked the storm began Spread like fire across the land A song of freedom for all to hear One voice aflame to every open ear Reach for the stars, reach for it all The power is in our hands Shouting out with victory Voices echo through the land Rebels of a new age Together we are one Pounding out the rythms Of a different song Rebels of a new age Fighting for a cause The future is in our hands This world is ours Come one, come all to the piper's tune There is a new world ahead And it's coming soon Bringing a chance as the youth growing strong Breaking the silence of a deaf world so wrong Now with minds of metal And hearts as true as steel We raise our voices to the sky New age rebels Charismatic in our ways We stand as one And all else must stand aside! Coming together millions strong Right here in this place Where nothing feels wrong All for one and one for all You can joint the ranks If you heed the call Gathered together as one we forge a union Getting stronger, stronger than steel Holding steadfast in our ways With a taste for victory We're the founders of a new evolution!