It's harsh, it's mean, it's brutal, The people by nature are cruel; It's a den of sin and they let kids in - It's a government secondary school. Children can't go into hotels, There's movies they are not to see: I can't see the sense of protecting innocence When school is compulsory. Some people see school as a machine Where students are put through the sieve: If they're deluged with society's values How come they're still primitive? Students' creativity is being stunted? Hey buddy, don't make me laugh. Some people berate 'cos schools socializate - Man, they don't do it enough. There's shit everywhere but the toilets; You learn anywhere but in class; There sex and drugs and knives and thugs - "State schools are great schools" my arse. The teachers are cynical and tired Of students both cynical and dumb. They get to fightin' - ad infinitum - Only stops when the holidays come. Private schools are rich and elitist, The parents pick their kids up in the Merc: State schools are around for the ideologically sound - It's a shame they don't seem to work.