
Life Kills 2


I gotta bit of brain
Lodged between my ears
It waited for its moment
It festered there for years

I stumbled on this earth
The demon in me growing
I died a cold and lonely death
The day I started knowing

Shackled to this chain of events
On this Bridge of Sighs I stand
Tied up from dreaming I jump off screaming
With the weight of knowledge in my head

So take my advice
Don't do as I did
Stay stupid
Neglect your kids
Don't let knowledge
Corrupt their minds
The more they learn 
The more they'll die

Life Kills

Look at that weirdo 
At the back of your class
The only one smart enough
Not to pass

As he jumps on tables
And rips his page in two
Just remember
He's better off than you
Primal stupidity 
Keeps him fooled
He is sacred
We are doomed

Look at politicians, film stars and musicians
Only someone so brilliant could be so dumb
They keep their minds on ice with every kind of vice
They'll never know the secret that haunts every one