Tiny Tide

Name And Shame

Tiny Tide

We are watching happening right now,
Any second counts
I could get updated by a tweet
Or a shout
Use your power
Don't steal and keep calm,
Bring the police down
Mindless thugs the ones
That should have payed by now
Hope that all those bobbies
Will stay safe tonight
Shoppers even had no insurance.
Families have lost
Their hopes and place, i'm ashamed
No one moved a finger on those fat
Give'em guns, blow'em up
Fill this great lack of regard
I don't care, what it's right
I'm just waiting for the cop cars
Name and shame
I can't see your face today
Herd the scums, like rouge cats
And then shipp'em to afghan
What the fuck
It's a crime
Bring on water and dum shots
Name and shame
Sign right here for your own safe
Police had a lot of calls today
Did somebody set a page?
Violence won't bring back
Your home today
All because of all these mindless thugs

Where are all the parents now?
Are they guilty just like us?
Wanna try to see who wears the mask?
You can't hide a face for that long time
Wonder what became of human rights
A shoot in the leg should be enough…
Give'em guns, blow'em up
Fill this great lack of regard
I don't care, what it's right
I'm just waiting for cop cars
Name and shame
Name and shame
It's abuse thrown on our face
Useless cunts, stinky rats
Will they grow to stab your back
The whole place
Goin to hell
Who will save us from ourselves
Name and shame
Name and shame
Bring me water for scum bags
Can't believe what england has become today
Can't believe what we all have become these days