Be grateful of what you got Well I am not. Here I am, Locked myself in the basement. Smashing spiders up against the wall. I am creating amazing science experiments With jealously. They have more feet than what I could ever fill. I will cut my lips on a minnesota license plate, Just to draw you in, Just to let you know the route to my vein. Prepare for your first winter! Throw on your coat And hope for months of snow. The bliss is far too bold For this heart to hold alone I'm on my own and I'm still scared Throwing up no throw up Because dry heaving in the new black. My throats a desert as I see my words Clogging up the bath tub, With each and every letter that I should have said. Combined to make perfect sense. I am wide awake and it is past my bedtime, I'm busy flipping nickels and dimes In the wishing well along the lakeside. I will be brave all summer long Because I got guts.