The fog sunk a hook in my name Saying, "son so dim, o, son of shame Your hands held her blur, but now you hold a broken comb," So I cut the line and raced on home But there was a man shooting holes in the sky With a crooked grin he came, addressed me with a sigh And, "no," I said, laughing, "I've got a better place to be," My dishonest smile turned with the key Maybe the pearly gates will open up for me But I know, I know the salt and sand will guide me on home But the lights from the side distract from what I should have seen; They hold my glass eyes for all to see The fog now must watch and append To see the leaving of lovers, the farewell from friends The fireworks set off as the car pulls in "Welcome home, son, now I see what has been: Your clouded eyes, their film of young sin." My dreams are howling up high From the attic and I'll have no place left to lie From the gleam in my windshield I'm reminded by the moon That I left then and I'll leave again soon But I know, I know the salt and sand will guide me on home While the lights from the door run across the yard to take me in Then I'll float up the stairs as a ghost Then I'll rest my eyes and rest my troubled head And when I die I'll be mourned and not missed