My name is Abram, yo-- I used to serve other gods (Josh. 24: 2; 14-15) My ways were pagan, but I couldn’t resist His Summons-Call I came to Canaan, many days across rugged sod But since He’s the Living God He’s worth it just to suffer hard Some think I need my brain examined Cuz I left my father’s house for the land God gave me— --But it’s plagued with major famine (Gen. 12:10; 26: 1; 42: 5) With lies I’m struggling, a sojourner, suffering (Gen. 12:10-13) I go down to Egypt but the LORD will bring me up again He’s telling me this, eternal is my homeland (Heb. 11:14-16) But I’m dwelling in tents—sojourner in my own-land (Gen. 12: 8, 13: 3, 20: 1, Heb. 11: 9) Though I’m battered and I’m bruised, I set the pattern for these Jews Of sufferers who trust Your Word, Eleventh Chapter of Hebrews! See I’m the forefather Of many suffering sons of God who prefer this to being whoremongers (Heb. 11:25-26) Though it’s a dark calling, getting hard often He’ll bring us into glory because our Faithful God’s Sovereign! Loved by my Father and despised by my brethren Tossed in a pit and then sold by these henchmen A slave in Egypt but the LORD’s who I’m trusting in He’s preserving the nations, I’ll trust He’ll raise me up again His wisdom is sufficient, though I’m a slave in this prison Betrayed by kinsman but by grace I’ll forgive them Raised up by God to provide for all the nations To eat of this bread and be saved from starvation! As for my brothers who sought after to kill me I’m forgiving their sin and invite them to come feast with me Into lawless hands I was handed over But now I reign over the land by the hand of Jehovah I trusted him who indeed was able to raise me Up from out of the pit and release me from slavery Trust and believe in the One who will certainly raise thee The Promised Seed who suffers as King in order to save thee It’s been a rugged ride through this wilderness Surviving this pilgrimage I’ve seen Your people wildin’ while You’re providing the illest gifts I’ve seen Your work restoring, turning bitter water sweet When You gave us bread from heaven it was more than we could eat You know, trooping through the desert, is was never pleasant, though I always had this feeling that You would have never let us go Cause You heard the cries from Your children suffering in Egypt Although You’re not obliged to With signs and wonders You have freed us We suffered in the desert, tempted and dwelling in tents But in this wilderness—Yahweh’s tent dwelled in our midst! And now You’ve brought me to this mountain Where I’ll have my last moments It’s tough to digest that it’s the Promised Land that I’m beholding And even though I’ll never know its valleys or its peaks In this wilderness I’ve grown to know my LORD, and I have peace Although we don’t deserve to be Your people Thank You that you chose us! With this last breath, I plea that You receive Your servant Moses! In this Wilderness, LORD I need You! (I need You!) In this Wilderness God I seek You! (I seek You!) O LORD, while many have wandered astray, fallen away As long as the day is still regarded “today” (Heb. 3: 13) We’ll call on Your Name, YHWH we’ll holler Your Praise We long for the day when You take away all of our pain! (Rev. 21: 3-4) LORD, this king’s in the Wilderness I’m running from Saul, with the ruggedest squad But nevertheless my heart hungers for God (Ps. 63: 1-5) Rescue me when I stumble and fall, I’m in love with Your Law But aren’t I Israel’s king to govern them all? Have I been anointed to suffer, appointed to suffer? As a suffering wilderness King I point to Another I write Psalms in the desert, Your light calms my depression Cuz Your Hesed חֶסדֶ is better than life O God You’re my treasure! (Ps. 63: 3) Your Praise I will mention, although there’s pain and affliction Just like King Joseph, I been betrayed by my kinsman! (2 Sam. 15:13-14) But You’ll vindicate me cuz Your Hand is gonna save (Ps. 18:24; 17:15) I’ll stand and be amazed Cuz my life’s not abandoned to the grave (Ps. 16:10-11) I’m tired and worn, I been despised and I’m scorned My own son has died He was caught in briars and thorns (2 Sam. 18: 9, 14-15) Previewing Messiah of course (John 19: 2, 34) This Wilderness Rock reminds me of how I must hide in the LORD! (1 Sam. 23:28, Ps. 18: 1-2) They persecute me because I’m speaking for God they’re not feelin’ Him I found my refuge while I’m retreating off in the wilderness They sought to take my life with swords and knives I had to flee For 40 days and 40 nights at times I cried myself asleep But the LORD provided water from a brook in the heat Wouldn’t have survived if I was deprived of bread and meat To stay protected from the elements, I Have been provided with some garments made from animal hides I walked the wilderness at Mt. Sinai feeling so lonesome Consoled by thoughts of walking in the steps of Moses The way they lie & threaten my life, just ain’t right What will be said about Elijah the Tishbite? I weep for my people, the wandering sheepfold Their cravings and lusts are disgustingly lethal They abandoned their God in pursuit of their evil And must be punished through a foreign conquering people Like Joseph, I too was tossed down a deep pit Was laid in a grave but was raised I keep preaching Repentance from sin, cause judgment is now approaching Down from the North, the King of Babylon’s encroaching And yet, I am swept down to Egypt Though I was innocent and observed all His precepts Counted as a lost covenant breaker and reject It’s all for the sake of redeeming all of the elect (yeah!) For others sins, I’m in exile and suffering I’ll die in Egypt, will the LORD bring me up again? For all your sins, the Branch of David was suffering Repent and believe He’ll indeed raise you up again! In this Wilderness, LORD I need You! (I need You!) In this Wilderness God I seek You! (I seek You!) O LORD, while many have wandered astray, fallen away As long as the day is still regarded “today” (Heb. 3: 13) We’ll call on Your Name, YHWH we’ll holler Your Praise We long for the day when You take away all of our pain! (Rev. 21: 3-4) I must have caught them off guard, some of them thought I was Elijah But nah, I’m just John, the one they call the Baptizer Been surviving in the wild, guess they all think it’s funny That I dress in camel’s hair & live off locust & honey But I ain’t telling jokes, either repent or you’ll get smoked Leave the comfort of your homes into the desert for your hope Like the children of Israel, set off into the desert Before the son of Nun would bring them to the Land of Blessing Let’s just say that I’m like Moses—calling you out of Egypt And pointing to your Joshua hoping that you receive Him But my time is up, soon I’ll be dead is what they said Tell ‘em they’ll never turn my heart, even if they take my head When I was just a kid, even then I was sufferin’ (Luke 2: 7) We fled down to Egypt When Herod died we went up again (Matt. 2: 13-15) To reverse the sins of Israel the nation I’m the True Israel Son who obeyed in wilderness temptation (Hoes. 11: 1=Matt. 2: 15; Isa. 49: 1-6) Though the devil was tempting Me with these filthy sins The Father’s Word is My living bread in this wilderness (Luke 4: 1-13) I’ll take the multitude out to the hills for this So I can feed them as the Bread from Heaven in the wilderness (John 6: 1-14; 26-35) For My brother’s sins, I was on the Cross suffering I went down to death But the Father, He brought Me up again! (Luke 9: 31) Betrayed by My kinsman; then raised up, I’m living To my Father’s rest All the elect safely I’ll bring them (John 17: 1-3; 24; 14: 2) Cuz I’m bringing many sons to glory (Heb. 2: 10) All those who suffered with Me Whether they were after or before Me (Phil. 3: 10; Heb. 11:26) With your trials I’m acquainted well I blazed the trail (Heb. 4: 15, 12: 1-2) If you endure you’ll rise forever; we’ll be glorified together (Rom. 8: 17) The wilderness bride of Christ is His beautiful Church, (Rev. 12: 6) United and blessed in Him through His sufferings and works. (Col. 1: 24) He traversed the distance, He lavishes gives us His gifts for this pilgrimage and He’s promised to give us… REST at the end of our journey We long and we’re yearning We groan with the rest of creation (Rom. 8: 18-24) —this tent is a burden, (2 Cor. 5: 1-4) Death it will murder us but the LORD is preserving us He’ll raise our bodies and give us rest when the journey’s up! (1 Cor. 15:51-57) The Church (by timothy brindle) Lord, Your blood spilled and You were killed for this Your Communion Bread is feeding us in this Wilderness! (John 6: 48-58; 1 Cor. 12:23-26) In our suffering rescue us from grumbling Give us Christ—let us run to Him instead of other things Many couldn’t take the heat so they got out the kitchen They left the faith, and fled the saints, we thought they was Christian! The O.T. saints laid the pattern for Jesus Through our Union with Christ, we’re being fashioned as He is! (Rom. 8: 16-17; 28-29; Philipians 3: 10)