Lord, is there any more mercy left For this stubborn stiff-neck sinner who flirts with death? Any more goodness for me to smell and taste Or have I dried up all the wells of grace? Could your fountain of love be empty? Jesus, is there any more of your blood to cleanse me? As soon as I thought I got this sin beat I'm knocked from my feet and dropping in deep 'Cause I played the whore and despised your glory Even though you've only shown kindness towards me I belittled your worth and spurned your Bible Plus I turned aside to worthless idols But in the mountains of your riches There is abundant grace and storehouses of forgiveness So I'm no longer doubting calamity I thank you that I'm not kicked out of your family I'm that snotty nose kid who trips-my knees are cut But you never leave me down you lift and clean me up So I'm running back to the cross Where you suffered wrath for my sin I can't fathom the cost So when the enemy is condemning me 'cause I offended Thee I remember that my penalty was paid So the Judge ain't mad 'Cause He took His anger out on You like You were His punching bag [?] Jesus to walk with me In my trials, walk with me I thank you Father that Your spirit convicts us To return back to You where you hear us and fix us Your compassion is deep after I weep You're faithful to put me back on my feet But this song is dedicated to all my fellow brothers and sisters who are devastated from fallen Be thankful Jesus is so gracious He's faithful even when we're faithless We're not saved in accordance to our performance Otherwise no one would have assurance We're saved through faith in Christ's finished work Which is His perfect life and sacrifice to forgive our dirt So please be relieved God sees you in Christ with the righteousness that He achieved So if you fall repent He'll re-heal again Then get back on your feet and keep killing sin Don't stay down-look to the cross and the gospel Get up renewed but be cautious and watchful And truly die to your pride Ask the Lord to create a clean heart and new desires inside And recall how sin is deceit is so grievous Now strive and press on to know Jesus Giving praise to the King who is risen Saying blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven [?] Jesus to walk with me In my trials, walk with me