But as I whore in the dark There's someone gently knocking on the door of my heart But to open up is not an option, never Remember that valve is closed off forever (Who is it?) It's the King of love, the Blessed Savior He came to dig deep like an excavator To take your shame, sin stains, and pain And remain as your life source, your respirator But I've never allowed any in before This devilish child has many sins and sores So perhaps it's a mistake, Lord He said: No actually, you're exactly who I came for But I spent my life violently despising Thee Yet your reply is You delight in me? Stay away from this awful ruined soul But that's when you called me beautiful I tried to just shun Him, but I'm tired of running And the Messiah really desires to come in And he's pursued me in the pit that I'm trapped in And I can no longer resist His compassion I'm made in your image but I need restored I see Your heart of mercy beaming forth So I invite you, Christ, come into this place Pour your currents of mercy, rivers of grace I thought this heart was unredeemable Too rotten, dark, the scum's uncleanable The depths of its death I deemed unreachable And you're the only One who wants to clean my soul You rightly expose the depths of my hardness Your light has shown how wretched my heart is But not to condemn me, to wash and then cleanse me And reign in life over the death and the darkness You didn't expose me to leave me feeling dirty But to heal and purge me and reveal Your mercy That it's infinitely greater than my sin And your healing's greater than my pain that's within I should be left to be doomed to the tomb But I'm rescued from death through my union with You Rose from the dead -- You broke the head of Satan Now I'm a part of your global restoration I had no rest like an insomniac Now 'cus of Your righteousness, Your Father's glad And my wife and kids, you brought them back And restored my relationships with mom and dad You take pleasure in renewing the ruin United to Christ, now I truly am human So my heart is alive to love and to praise and to give And encourage those enslaved to their pain and their sin Hoisted on the Roman tree in blackness Your voice, it groaned for me to have this You rose to free us captives and ravish How You're now rejoicing over me in gladness Jesus, I give you every pain in my soul Here's my sexuality I thought Satan had stole And here's my sin that you paid as a whole Here's the throne of my heart---please reign in control!