Yeah, I'm so rowdy to share it abroad Christians are indwelt with the all powerful Spirit of God He raised our trife corpse remains our might source Until the day we see Christ on His white horse He shapes us like Christ displays His great might Glorifies Jesus makes His face bright He helps us slay our selfish ways Our bodies are His temple and dwelling place This truth applied is quite necessary We've been crucified with Christ, dead, and buried So our old selves who are slaves to lust Are buried in the tomb and the Graves been shut But just as Jesus was raised to life We too have been raised by Him who strengthen Christ To walkers new preachers Hearts pursue Jesus Awesome truth seekers- constant fruit reapers The Father in Heaven blessed believers To have the same strength that resurrected Jesus Yo! I'm a total coward and a scrub But by the Spirit I'm clothed with power from above You can't kill sin because you'e bold and fearless Only by the power of the Holy Spirit Because man your petty strength withers You're ain't strong enough like anorexic weight lifters Prayer, power, conquer sins We trust in the Lord's promises Prayer, power, conquer sins Trust in the Lord's promises Through prayer in His power, conquer sins Yo, trust in the Lord's promises Through prayer in His power, conquer sins We trust in the Lord's promises Principalities and powers can battle me for hours But the Spirit's greater than He who's prowling to devour The Spirit of the Lord's here To give us victory in the midst of spiritual warfare The Holy Spirit helps us fear the Lord And He uses the Word know that's the Spirit's Sword To separate them is greatly absurd This ain't word of faith it's faith in His word [Imitates prosperity teacher] You this is deceiving You can stay filled with the Spirit through prayer and scripture reading To be led by the Spirit is to be led by the Word So be fed when you hear it whether its read or it's heard To be led by the Spirit is to be led by the Word Be fed when you hear it whether read or it's heard It's full of Christ priceless promises It has all we need for a life of godliness Now to Him who is awesome and able To keep you from falling He who promised is faithful Prayer, power, conquer sins We trust in the Lord's promises Prayer, power, conquer sins Trust in the Lord's promises Through prayer in His power, conquer sins Yo, trust in the Lord's promises Through prayer in His power, conquer sins We trust in the Lord's promises You want more of His power then humble your pride And check verse 4 of Psalms 105 Read with reverence and you'll see It says seek His strength and presence continually God is power in his pure essence So in prayer He gives it in the Lord's presence Everyday pray for a filling of Him He'll give you the strength to keep killing your sin He empowers His children with power to heal them Power to obey and power to kill sin Power to preach Christ to the wicked heartless Power to be light amidst the darkness Isaiah 40 mentions it clearly Wait on the Lord He gives strength to the weary He'll give you the power to deny yourself Just to serve others even die to help The power to forgive each other and lift our brothers And give us joy even when we suffer The power to mortify our sinful nature Which all glorifies our risen Savior The Spirit of Christ takes tired believers Rewires them and makes them on fire for Jesus So forget your lavish fortunes The Spirit bears fruit like Grizzlies Apple Orchids Love, joy, peace, and patience Kindness, goodness, He keeps us gracious Faithfulness, gentleness, He'll help your soul When you're tempted, He'll give you self control Love, joy, peace, and patience Kindness, goodness, He keeps us gracious Faithfulness, gentleness, He'll help your soul When you're tempted, He'll give you self control Say prayer, power, conquer sins Yo, trust in the Lord's promises (Say it) Prayer, power, conquer sins Yo, in the Lord's promises Say prayer, power, conquer sins now Trust in the Lord's promises (Say it) Prayer, power, conquer sins now Trust in the Lord's promises