Tim Picking

Thanks Be To God

Tim Picking

Tom: G

INTRO: G D C D G (repeat) 

G      D     C                            D 
Thanks be to God, who leads us in His triumph. 
G      D     C                  D    G 
Thanks be to God, who's got the victory.  
G      D     C                            D 
Thanks be to God, who leads us in His triumph. 
G      D     C                  D    G 
Thanks be to God, who's got the victory.   

G                          D 
We have overcome the world by the blood of the Lamb 
C                        C    D    G 
And loving not ourselves even unto death 
G                         D 
The word of our testimony tells the world about His love 
C                           C     D      G 
As we shout to the nations, He is coming back ! 
    C     D      G 
Oh, He is coming back ! 
G                                      D 
Through the blood of our Savior we are set free from the curse 
C                         C       D    G 
Jesus is the one and only lasting sacrifice. 
G                               D 
He has conquered Satan's power, no more shall we be ashamed 
C                          C        D     G 
Just as He defeated death, we shall never die! 
     C        D     G 
No-- we shall never die!