Movin’ along, new beginnings and new ends Spendin’ out time, with our family and our friends Celebrate, with the cool autumn air And we’re livin’ out our lives, as we dance without a care, oh We were made, yeah we were made to be free The year is turning over, and the leaves go golden brown The skies get crystal clear, as the temperature cools down Life is full of colour, as the seasons change around And the birds make their beautiful sound Amazing things are here, without a catch, without a hook But sometimes you have to search it out, or just know where to look And in case you cannot find it, here’s a song to you from me Sometimes it takes, someone’s helps so we can see That life is here, and can be good And a good life ya it should be, cause We were made, yeah we were made to be free Oh, we were made, yeah we were made to be free My family and friends, I keep them near The things you love, you keep them close, that’s what I hear We spend our time out by the fire, and watch the sun slowly retire Life is simple, I like it that way If you cannot find the truth in what I say Your path is hard, and you are burned out every day With each season comes a turn, for things to change, to start a new They did for me, and things can change for you too Just remember with each day there is an opportunity , and We were made, yeah we were made to be free Oh, we were made, yeah we were made to be free We were made, yeah we were made to be free We were made, yeah we were made to be free Oh to be free