
Ancient Forest


Late summer night. From cloudless sky
Countless stars watching down on Earth
Cold northern winds already making their way
Through crowns of ancient trees

Ancient forest stands from beginning of time
Stately pines rest against northern sky
Mighty children of nature many secrets they hold
Hundred sagas unwritten, thousand stories untold

They remember that time when gods themselves liked to walk on our earth
They're so old they have witnessed the creation of men
They remember great heroes, righteous kings and countless wars
Our ancestors who lie deep below their roots

…And so I walked under trees and ancient magics I felt
And spirits of wood I saw.
And pines bowed down and crowns were rustling in wind
Like they wanted to tell something to me.

And I said my prayers to Gods
And I honored the memories of fallen
And I wished as I saw shooting star
To rest forever in this Ancient Forest