Cold and terrible winds follow me as I search For another soul to satisfy my blood thirst Why I do this is yet to be explained The fact is that killing makes my sorrow go away Maybe I'm a beast, heartless killer, cold as ice Perpetrator of slaughter acting late at night Or perhaps a sentinal prepared for sacrifice Justice to me means eye for an eye I kill the scum Wipe off the rotten part of society At least that's what I put inside my head So I can sleep The outskirts of town are the stage of my plan Unholy altar of a blood stained mind I leave a trail of bleeding corpses behind And then go back to my so called normal life You don't have a clue about what I do I may work or even live beside you The neighbor in front of your house can be me The stranger you married and go to bed with Desire, hunger, I need to hunt I need to go out and slay With bullets and knives Or just my bare hands I will fulfill my fate Animus Necandi Lombroso was wrong, I don't look like a criminal To everyone I'm just a regular fellow I pay my taxes and I go to church And I look shocked every time I see blood Calm and methodic I don't leave a trace I know forensics so I keep my pace Slowly I wait for my victim to appear Then send him to hell to meet with his peers Cold and terrible agony embraces my heart Emptiness inside a regretful soul But all that conflict remains concealed Behind a fake smile that works as a shield Sometimes I wake up thinking of all The faces of those that met my rage That is my burden and that is my fate The price that I pay for acting insane