The way that you protest I find Downright hilarious and I Admit it's kind of fun to see The spit collect at the sides of your mouth Screaming that all men are jerks Something 'bout equal pay for equal work Or was it child care hell I don't care I just wanna see your skirt fly up in the wind Shut the hell up about how badly you're oppressed I don't wanna hear it I just wanna get some rest You don't mean a thing to me unless you are undressed But you talk and talk and don't see that I'm Less and less impressed There's nothing that's more fun to see Than a feminist down on her knees Wiping her chin and asking if there's A chance that she might get to see me again I like to say uh, yeah alright I just might call you tomorrow night If you quit your fucking whining and You let me bring my girlfriend Shut the hell up about how badly you're oppressed I don't wanna hear you I just wanna get some rest You don't mean a thing to me at least not while you're dressed But you talk and talk and don't see that I'm Less and less impressed What's that? Misogynist? That's Mister-ogynist to you, little lady I ain't no female I'd like to say darlin' please feel free To blame your problems all on me But we both know that's only 'cause It's more convenient than blaming yourself Think what you will 'bout me just know That I've got your number down and though You might have mine I'll bet you'll be Using it to call me when you feel alone Shut the hell up about how badly you're oppressed 'Cause I can't believe you since I heard that you confessed That from the first time that you saw me you could see I was the best Yet as I see it you're overpaid and overdressed If you want to cry about it be my guest But just keep it away from me cause I don't care that you're depressed You might even been worth it if you weren't so But you're so Repressed