She continues to marvel me on a daily basis
My heart flutters
I smile at the thought of her; even slight thought of her
Passion and love are surging through her veins.
She's amazing like that
its intense and flavorful

Sometimes I relapse to a prior self
Do you know how that can happen?
Like suddenly you are the you from months ago
or even years

Suddenly you have perspective
And maybe you don't know
When I find myself in those places
I remember aching so
For someone and then I'd wake up
And find that gaping hole
Finally filled and overflowing with sugar

I've got my girl and God I love her
(She's better than skittles even)

I remember every bit of what it was like for me
In the dark month of May last year, I cried incessantly
In a blur I stumbled through
June, July, August and September too
Trying too desperately to find a remedy..
Something not too painfully bleek

I've got my girl and God I love her
She's like the red ones, like the blue ones
like the green ones