Though a dream will never take place Wandering the streets alone Their fate was not bloody right by the belief Died by the crucifix lying on the ground The fury of the dragon Finished her end her agony And if those who sorrow And all you search only brings disappointment His past was not anything Her tears fall ever Your world has fallen now Tears that never fell I end his life after drugs Ninety-seven minutes died alone Their dreams interrupted The disgrace of the ancient world Their belief that the church did condemn it Her tears have dried His death called him to be with christ And all you search only brings disappointment His past was not anything Her tears fall ever Your world has fallen now Tears that never fall And all you search only brings disappointment His past was not anything Though a dream will never take place Wandering the streets alone Their fate was not bloody right by the belief Died by the crucifix lying on the ground The fury of the dragon Finished her end her agony And if those who sorrow