


Tom: E

Taken from the album "A deeper kind of slumber"

   For Personal Use Only!!

Tune to A=440

Riff 1, Opening riff, Play twice:

Riff 2, Dirtortion kicks in, Play twice:
Guitar 1

Riff 2
Guitar 2

Lick 1, Play over Riff 2 Second time (Using a Wah pedal)


Second clean guitar, played on every verse together with Riff 1:

(Also alone at the end of the song)


Riff 3a-The "Jazzy" part in the middle:
(Each part (a+b) played twice)


Riff 3b


Riff 4
(These two chords played repeatedly, jamming with the beat)


Riff 5
(The part that leads up to the noisy ending)
Guitar 1, played muted


Riff 5
Guitar 2, played muted


The noisy ending is easy, play it however You want to!
Good Luck