Thy Apokalypse

World War III

Thy Apokalypse

The Grand burial of humanity is coming 
With Torture, Murder, Genocid 
For the extermination ov Humanity 

The wind ov Death is rising 
While night is falling 
Bringing Apokalypse, Humanicid, Darkness 
In the wake ov human battles 
For World War three 

With theirs zombies 
Humanity will bring final holocaust on themselves 
Will Annihilate his bastard life 
My voice will rape your life 

The Devils will com into his ancient Shrine 
In Funeral Shrine 
Under the Banner ov Ahriman 
Humance race will collapse in front of the apocalypseThe last war against human race 
Before his enslavement and destruction 


The Slaughters under the hell eternal 
Leading to the ultimate extinction ov Humanity