Why should I have to be in a world not meant for me Screams a frightened boy he never gets a break But pays for his mistakes, can`t face another day And all the tears he swallows when he knows no one is there Watching in despair he`s tired of having to be Terrified, the fighting and sadness Terrified, hating the madness Walking the streets alone, thousand miles from home Hunger every night, razor in his hand Not afraid to take a stand, sees no hope in sight And all the tears he swallows when he knows no one is there Watching in despair he`s tired of having to be Terrified, the fighting and sadness Terrified, hating the madness And all the tears he swallows when he knows no one is there Watching in despair he`s tired of having to be Terrified, the fighting and sadness Terrified, hating the madness