
Call of the Valkyrie


Searching for inner peace
Tranquil and soothing
With the setting sun on the horizon
Comes my twilight

Birds of prey circling
An aura of stillness lingers
Chosen to ascend
Fearless and with pride

My eyes do not betray me
The sky opens wide
An enchanting voice
Calling my name

In the mist
I see shadows ride
Arrival of a Valkyrie
To carry me home

Lying on the field
Bleeding from my side
Seeing what will come
As I close my eyes

To sing with my brethren
Around tables so great
Feast as one of them
Einherjer I will be

My eyes do not betray me
The sky opens wide
An enchanting voice
Calling my name

In the mist
I see shadows ride
Arrival of a Valkyrie
To carry me home

"Deyr fé,
Deyja frændr,
Deyr sjálfr et sama;
Ek veit einn,
At aldri deyr:
Dómr um dauðan hvern."

"Cattle die,
Kinsmen die
You yourself die;
I know one thing
Which never dies:
The fate of the honored dead"