We'd like to do a little number. It's for Mary Jane. Mary Jane was the first girl who ever asked for my autograph; I gave her three different names. And this song is a love song. I learned this song in Santa Monica, inbetween surfing and screwing little boys in black leather suits. Just like the Bay City Rollers and Rolling Stones and Johnny Rotten, all our songs sound the same. This is a slow number... Mary Jane Got your name from a letter Mary Jane Got your name from a letter Love you like no other Love you like my brother I made love to your bottom I made love to the Führer I'm gonna be a boy Gonna be a girl Gonna fuck your bum Gonna fuck your world Gonna be a loving boy Gonna be a loving girl Mary Jane Mary Jane got no pain She got no ax to grind She walked out the room She fell on the sink She said I look neat She said I look kind She said I'm real good But I'm not anal A is for anal I'm not anal Anal, anal Mary Jane What a pain In my bum I'm gonna be a young man I'm gonna make the world cum On my face Make a lotta white liquid In your anus Gonna be a young man Gonna get a record contract Gonna be a lot on main street Gonna be in America, New York, London, Paris and Rome Johnny Rotten Sex Pistols Supersonic Polyphonic Gonna be a little boy Little girl Policeman Soldier Gonna be the queen Anybody you want As long as I'm famous Beautiful, and rich Give me money I wanna have a record contract All I care, Mary Jane I got your autograph I got my autograph I got it from a letter Got it from the dark I'm gonna be here I'm gonna be there Don't let nobody pay Nobody way Gonna be punk Gonna be new wave Gonna be the one Gonna be famous Mary Jane Got to be a fucking hero Got to be good Got to be bad Got to have a record contract Got to be a hippy Dippy hippy Far out Groovy Fuck off Got to be a murderer Got to be a hand Got to be politician Got to be the land Got to be big Got to be small Got to get fucked Got to be running to every war Got to say "Lovely" for every cause Got to be ugly Got to be famous Got to have a record contract I don't want to make a record contract I don't want to be a supersonic I'm not in The Damned I'm not in the Pistols Pistols Up your arse Up your dildo Your arse Your arse Up your arse With the Pistols Pistols I've got to go I've got to go and be strange But not too strange and get a record contract Then I'll be famous Then I'll be rich Then I'll be a someone Then they'll all love me Then they'll come and pay a lot of money Honey And if I'm too good I'll get on Top of the Pops And I'll be really rich And I can go make a lot of money Honey Money Vicious Sid Vicious He's so sweet He's so nice I put barbed wire around his cock once Mary Jane