
This Is Your Life


Five miles tall,
And everything is small,
Everything is small...
Five miles down,
You see your patch of ground
It's not so bad at all

Breathe in, out,
And don't stop breathing!

'cause this, this is your life,
This is your world,
And everything that you've been trusted with,
It's small in your eyes,
But great is your worth,
And you can do this right
This is your life!

Five miles high,
Don't want to leave the sky,
Everything's so clear.
Five miles on,
When clarity is gone,
Just make it reappear...

Breathe in, out,
And don't stop breathing!

'cause this, this is your life,
This is your world,
And everything that you've been trusted with,
It's small in your eyes,
But great is your worth,
And you can do this right
This is your life!

Breathe in, out,
And don't stop breathing!

'cause this, this is your life,
This is your world,
And everything that you've been trusted with,
It's small in your eyes,
But great is your worth,
And you can do this right
You know that this, this is your life,
This is your world,
And everything that you've been trusted with,
It's small in your eyes,
But great is your worth,
And you can do this right
This is your life!

Cinco milhas se foram, 
e tudo é pequeno, tudo é pequeno
Cindo milhas abaixo, 
Você vê o seu solo remendado, 
Não é assim tão ruim...

Cindo milhas acima, 
Não quero abandonar o céu, 
Tudo está tão claro...
Cinco milhas à frente, 
Quando a claridade ir embora, 
Apenas faça-a reaparecer

Respire, para dentro, para fora
E não pare de respirar!

Pois esta, esta é a sua vida
Este é o seu barco
E tudo no que você confiou, 
Está pequeno em seus olhos, 
O avião é a sua terra
E você pode fazer certo
Esta é a sua vida.