Its 2:00 am and the nights only begun Will this be a fist fight or our best case of amnesia? Make these tables your ballroom floors And dance like there's no one watching you The best nights of our lives are the ones that we'll never remember The nights we sang along In off key harmonies They always say that "no one lives forever" but tonight we'll prove them wrong Drink this down and drown your hopeless mood And for once in your life breathe in and tell the truth These drunken words are sober thoughts; the masquerade was all I bought When nights turned into mornings, friends turned into family Here's our second chance at a last regret in foreign sheets where Summer wind breathes so calm and takes the place of these nervous heart beats Cut the small talk, let's get down to business Standards low on ground that's paper thin The day breaks all of our mistakes, the ones I could taste on the tip of your tongue, We'll always be the same They always say that "no one lives forever" but tonight we'll prove them wrong (Tonight we sing along) Drink this down and drown your hopeless mood And for once in your life breathe in and tell the truth These drunken words are sober thoughts; the masquerade was all I bought When nights turned into mornings, friends turned into family Tip your glass let's paint this fucking town In off key harmonies Here's a toast for when we hit the ground When we hit the ground We'll always Stay young Drink this down and drown your hopeless mood And for once in your life breathe in and tell the truth These drunken words are sober thoughts; the masquerade was all I bought When nights turned into mornings, friends turned into family Tip your glass let's paint this fucking town In off key harmonies Here's a toast for when we hit the ground When we hit the ground We'll always Stay young