Sometimes things happen in my life And I cannot remember All the good things that have happened, all the fun we had together My friends have always been there for me, in truth and in integrity The ones who never let me quit, remind me each day is a gift We feel it's so unfair The only thing that is unfair is how easy we've had it -and though we all have known this we never take it for granted I never once deserved The infinite amount of love you've given me Throughout all the hurt By my side you have helped my to overcome everything I can't repay you In the times when my life was too heavy You were there to bare the weight with me In my darkest hour all the answers you seemed to know When I couldn't climb all the obstacles, you helped me do the impossible You helped me realize my dreams, everyday you've asked for nothing To my friends, to my family, to everyone who has helped me And to all those who have gone to our shows I don't care if they think this is weak to say All of you help me to get through each day To everyone in my life please know these words are true I don't care what happens I LOVE YOU