Pure april rain Replaced by Dead april heat. Would it ever rain again? Black earth cracking. Scorched by the sun. The rivers it drained Left us dying in the dust. The world changes when it starts to rain. Green radiates against the grey. And we can find solace from the torch. But it remained Sol invictus, Unconquered idol, Fire orb primordial. Burning steadfast, In harbouring skies. Blistered vastlands Reeked of immolation. The world changes when it starts to rain. Green radiates against the grey. And we can find solace from the torch. Venite imbriferae ut terram alatis! Venite nubes ut levamen donetis! Pluvie, ubi es, Ibi, vita est. The mist will rise, In a haze, to the sky. Lubar aureus extulerat sol Flabat adhuc eurus... Then came the rain And it slaked the earth. Spewed across the land And fed the rivers. So poured the rain As it slaked the earth. Rising from the ground An ethereal fragrance. Pluvie optime, multas tibi gratias agimus.