Thousand Word Human

The Suicide

Thousand Word Human

I'll start this song by saying goodbye to me again
But I cannot anymore
I will return someday
That day hopefully comes soon

But I will disappear and return
This is not my last written
Why I will return
And I'll be better
What I used to be

I will not cry, but they will
But suicide will help me in this
It will be a song
What will make you feel like I feel

My name will know soon
But I am very mysterious
Stay and listen

Suicide is an option
When there is no other
Do not let them fool you
Relax and make your decision with caution

They will cry but I will finally be free
I will return, but temporarily, I will disappear
Are you happy?
I will leave and I will not go back to tell you

I will be free
I will love them
But it's better to sleep

Goodbye for a while
Goodbye to the hypocrites
Goodbye to those who broke a noble heart
Suicide is a goodbye