They don't know my flair for the dramatic Not a clue, the talent I possess Pretty girls, but not much in the attic Face-to-face with genius, and they never guess They don't know they're staring at an artist Highly trained to take on any role Skillful mime, and brilliant laundry cart-ist Seeking retribution for the life they stole I almost acted Chekhov, Ibsen, Shaw, Moliere I almost starred as Peter Pan, imagine moi midair I almost tackled Shakespeare, a blushing Juliet And if the house were big enough I still could play her yet They don't know I'm hotter news than Duse Helen Hayes and Bernhardt all in one They're on top, and I look like the loser Wait and see who's standing when my play is done So welcome all ye bright young ladies You're checking into Hotel Hades I won't stand by while critics praise ya You're getting shipped to Southeast Asia But they don't know, they don't know Sad to be all alone in the world But they don't know