Civilization it's under threatening again I can not be there, cause I'll watch by T.V. Consume of sanity, all advantage it's in vain While my dear beer case, stay beside me Speaking 'bout nuclear radiation, the what??? If drinking and trending rules your life Hypocrite consciousness, fight for right cause Sucking of benefit, damaging the way… War and destruction come to the city Bring my Budweiser, I've ticket for the first seat Drivin' you too drunkie, I'm god of sex While politicians disabled the earth Alcoholic anti-christs, nihilistic technocracy Fictional terror drinkin' your mind We are the radiation that kick your fuckin' ass…!!! Senses out control You in my clenchin' fist Vicious attack dogs Join the insane force Thrash, drugs, beer and sex Deep throat full of waste Another wasted life Join drunken fight Information of nuclear diseases, contradiction for humanity Paranoia, frightening minds, drugs high research, silence mankind Retribution, hang-over blast, defenseless thoughts, welcome the lies Chemical madness, Media sells sex, intoxicated, no one who cares…!!!