Visions of atrocious soil a plagued miasmal midden my heart so scared between it all and no, those tired seekers didn´t see the coming end just those who knew swore by their hearts that no god nor satan would tear them apart. greed blights divinity and so it has always been ever since I can remember and it always will where reason and time stands still where the withered crowns of ancient kings lose inevitably their artless grace there I will stay with them, damned and displaced these bones grow old and rotten just like the branches of my kin whose former reign is long forgotten spattered with tears of the desperate Exodus of astrayed masses devastation left behind so many seasons came and went upon this places of the blind curses over the doctrine of feigned prudence, bread and wine the divine countenance of earth crumbles into dust beneath the fears of man the preachers of mankind are treacherous serpents in stoles hollow words craved from above subservience is not enough denial of our origin nursery tales of hell and sin forgive what must be forgiven but please redeem me from this certainty take forth this hull that scourges me flesh and bone all alone and a spirit so exhausted eyes that must witness the odious abuse limbs that won´t move and lips without excauses oh how could it come that far they nill see what they are murderous issues without any sense of compassion the bloom of life´s bosom in her sanctity is crying so bitter may you close thy eyes now and death comes finally And I... I remain with thee with diamond cover over what is left and still to see the frozen monument of beauty moribund Nigh is the last cold breath unbroken charm wings the last leaf down on its final dance sleep well.. sleep well... my love