


He's calling me flying free
Over ice-covered range
Hole deep within longing filled
For a fistfull of Kroner

One, finally I'm feeling like
I'm a part of a whole
Love laced with sex no regrets
I'd give a fistfull of Kroner

Legions of cement-block lairs
Only one distinct among the squares

Heat way down south haunted house
Out of which I am walking

North we will freeze in our sleep
Warmth is a fistfull of Kroner
Dreams of the years bringing tears
For the months that grow longer

Castle all our own
Palace owned for a fistfull of Kroner

In his heat sheltered from the cold
Mystic love gets so fucking old

It all comes to you

Green in his eyes
Paralyzed by their sensual luster
Star carved in spine blood like wine
Art for a fistfull of Kroner

Lonely in the night, it feels right
I am waiting for someone
Love I can't buy, time to fly
With my fistfull of Kroner

Singing while the music wanes
Embracing to the calling of
the Cranes