My wretched acquaintance brings naught but misery to my world. She is sorrow incarnate. High atop the world she sits, no one can take her down. She is hubris incarnate. Yet still, I strive for a sane existence, strive to maintain my reason and lucidity. My time apart from her puts the world in a different perspective, but she is never very far away. My wretched acquaintance brings naught but misery to my meager world. She is sorrow incarnate. High atop the world she sits, no one can take her down. She is hubris incarnate. I hope to spit in the face of this sordid whore, and recant my dependence upon that which I do not need. My anguish shall now and forever be hers. I'll laugh as this fucking whore bleeds. I've killed the part of myself connecting me to you; and with your victim gone, you'll sure find another to fill the role, but I'll be rid of your carcinogenic ways and able to live my own life for the rest of my days.