Distant memories...days long since passed... I look back on these times with great feelings of nostalgia. The way the sunlight shone through the leaves in summer, for the first time, is a sight I wish to behold again. Days and weeks were spent sprinting through the amber fields, through fluorescent woods, and across the purest streams in all the land. Everything was so new, and so perfectly extraordinary and I was filled with a sense of outright awe. As days, as hours, as seconds pass by these visions dull, but increase in magnificence. O, how the forest glowed and seasons seemed like weeks, is a marvel I deeply yearn to feel again. Days and weeks were spent sprinting through the amber fields, through fluorescent woods so green they seemed to transcend the color spectrum. Everything was so new, and so perfectly extraordinary and I was filled with an outright sense of awe. And when I find myself in times of bedlam, I find solace in these perfect memories and take great comfort in the fact that in time, these days will all become part of that dream. Days and weeks were spent sprinting through the amber fields, through fluorescent woods, and across the purest streams in all the land. Everything was so new, and so perfectly extraordinary and I was filled with an outright sense of awe. Distant memories...days long since passed... I look back on these times with great feelings of nostalgia. The way the sunlight shone through the leaves in summer, for the first time, is a sight I wish to behold again. [The Night of Chaos] As darkness overtakes my mind and I'm ravaged by the chaos of life, I question existence...both mine and that of all the world. Nothing makes any goddamn sense, and I spiral toward the bottom, forgetting every single joy that has made any and all of this worth it... all of this pain, sorrow and seemingly unfulfillable longings... I lose sight of the perfection of life... [The Day of Clarity] ...but then everything becomes completely and wholly clear. This clarity brings daylight back to my frigid, arctic world and I bask in the warm and empowering rays of worth. Our choice to live happily is forgotten short after birth.