In this tragic and comic show he's a servant and whiteface clown high spirits and cleverness work Save him from all the mess he belongs Columbine is so lovely to stare She has caught the eye of Harlequin In a ragged and patched dress she is dressed, to play a tambourine Lovers spinning in the dreaming Somewhere, repeating Somewhere only dreamers may know their roles, repeating They are - shadows when the raindrops With storms - spinning in a dance hall Somewhere - only lovers may know Someday, repeating Repeating Repeating again the show but no one's here, just us. Repeating again the show till there's a crowd They hear a noise, it's classical A 'cof' and them, applauses. They hear their crowd... Lovers spinning in the dreaming Somewhere, repeating Somewhere only dreamers may know their roles, repeating The Columbine has eyes so wide and well made-up She loves Harlequin but sees through him And punishes him deserts him takes him back, but in the end he doesn't change, he doesn't change. and she has to accept him for what he is, more lovable than anyone. Lovers spinning in the dreaming Somewhere, repeating Somewhere only dreamers may know their love, repeating