This Is Sparta


This Is Sparta

You’re falling
You’re always falling
Since your birth until your death
All the demons hogging your guts
Force yourself to sin!
Your soul is collapsing
Ones, a good guy
Has been found dismembered in a street
That’s the consequence of being a right guy
Being sliced by hate and poverty

Divide up your mind
Become more cold and blind
Deny who you are
They all think we are weak
Cause we walk on the line
They drew

People are weak
You should be scared
They wait in line for death
But the voice of your father have told you to look

Beyond the rules
To stay strong
In front of a world where the final ending is
To fail
You have to be a man
Take your chance as much as you can
Cause the voice of your father have taught you to stay

Until the hate
To stay strong
Become your faith
And don’t feel wrong

Everybody grows and
Everybody says
Fathership failed

Everybody grows and
Everybody says
Fathership failed

Then you die
Lost and alone knowing why
Your life is a lie
Reading sadness in your daughter’s eye

Life is empty