The death of day is the womb of a cold night Prepare your guns; the dead are coming to town Cling on to your guts, Keep an eye on your back Issues are all shut And they’re crawling in like rats What’s left of their brains Will be melting down in flames Now that your mom was your brother’s very last meal You feel the chaos of a life that seems so unreal The city’s burning tonight And you’re sitting on the ringside Can you hear the crows, flying at the gates The seven trumpets, ringing the very end We were too proud to hear the signs The coming of the fallen ones was heralded awhile back What should be resting in peace Decays now at our feet And we’re too scared to run And we’re too human to open fire Prepare to soak up the entire pavement I’ll blow your head up, whatever’s left of it Come closer say hello to my new best friend Look him down the barrel, don’t be afraid I’ll keep just one bullet for myself