I’ll burn like a cigarette all the evidences The so-called love I had for you is non-related I couldn’t let a failure like you Destroy what I have built All the sacrifices I have made Were just too much for you to handle This city needs someone like me Now all the pieces of the lie Unravel right before your eyes And you are dying knowing why Some secrets are worth dying for And leave you crawling back for more You said you would die for all my sins Now I give you the opportunity To see my true identity I’ll dump your body on the michigan floor To rest between the sunken kegs and barrels Enjoy your final sunset The sun won’t shine down there No one, will reclaim a grave for you No one, will wonder where you are This is what you get, for living like a ghost Now all the pieces the pieces of the lie Unravel right before your eyes But you’re just too dead to describe And I watch you sinking now But I won’t salt the water With a tear Why had you to nose around on my business My greed or lust is none of your concern This is what you get, for living like a ghost And dying as a man Now all the good in me is gone And turned todark as my tattooed arm And my black mascara The reminders are sinking with you now I sent you to sleep I sent you to sleep for it to wake me up