Carve a line in stone instead of drawing in the sand Prevent the tide of progress to wash it all away As giant monsters come to die on the shore, For everyone to glare, for everyone to fear and stare I see our human condition, encapsulated in a rusty snow globe A microcosm, an easter island tragedy bis The sirens are singing to lure us in Like moths to flames In our world, they’re ringing The sirens are singing Either ways it seems the end is near For a hundred years my name was feared My wrath and greatness torn the seas What was my playground is now my grave For I am just a white washed name We’re all made of sand, what we cherish what we own From the flea sized chip to the mile-high glass house Our cities growing, the empire’s spreading The foundations of man are built on quicksand I cannot wait to see you bleed Amnesty please’ you’ll scream Pour you down the drain, I will See it all collapse like a house of cards On thin ice for centuries you’ve lied The sirens are singing to lure us in Like moths to flames But in our world, they’re ringing Either ways it seems the end is near When will our pride stop leading us by? Empathy is a raft lost at sea How long will this all last Until the sea takes it all back? Where the ocean meets the sky That’s where, the answer lies We’re all made of sand, what we cherish what we own It takes an outside eye to see how Blessed and ignorant we are, sailing adrift