As forlorn as tomorrow seems, And as bleak as the road ahead is They feed your soul that the worst is already behind But the ugly truth is hiding behind two masks No hero, no vigilantes left on your side You’ve cast away Our will to save the ashes of this burning town I’ll watch the flames, from my outdated throne A still born constitution, that’s what guides your way In a dog eat dog world, eye for an eye prevails What will it take to show you that I am not your stupid justice’s dove anymore The white has turned to black I’m a fucking hitchcock crow now Our thirst for blood is unquenchable Our real motivation has never been the one they advertised We were too good to be true Our myth just misled you You knew this day would come When your heroes let you down Discrown me, discrown me I’m the king of thieves if anything Discrown me, just discrown me I’m nothing but a freak, just as real as your comics The ropes that bind my faith are starting to fray My medals and my scars rest no longer on my chest Doves and crows are at war inside my head And I know, there are no heroes left