Goliath, colossus with feet of fleece A man like me is only defined by his reflection in his enemy’s eyes Every david needs his goliath, to stand tall and follow a path That hatred molded All I know and all I see is the ill-fated irony What more could I ask for? You were my reflection on a smoked mirror That lies now broken on the floor The antithesis of myself as the media said Just tell me why, a part of me died with you, that night Facing you was an endless combat with my image against the stained glass The perfect symmetry and deadly antagonism The final hit exploded it, shattering you to Pieces leaving me here next to a wall, opaque and mute You were the one, the scale of all evils Were tipped but 6 feet underground, Both our legacies fade and rust I dreamt this day and pictured your fall In every possible way and wicked scenario You were a russian doll, trapped inside something bigger than you; Your legacy ate you from the inside out All I know and all I see is the ill-fated irony, what more could I ask for? You were my reflection on a smoked mirror That lies now broken on the floor Is this what winning feels like? With the bitter taste of victory stuck in my throat, I’m struggling Is this what winning feels like, goliath?