Oh yeah! tste 2011! The earth will shake when we take to the streets And discreetly sneak into a funky fresh beat. My skin is like ivory, nobody's ever heard of me, My rhymes are like frankenstein: misunderstood and frightening. Mutha fuckas can't not be feelin this! I flow like the cumberland. C'mon bitches! let's fight the power! I'm deadlier than jackie chan... Mmhmmm But easier to understand. Bitch! no you ain't! My skills could be the death of me if i don't use them carefully 'cause as you know great power comes with great responsibility. Be weary of my poetry. it might seem cute and cuddly, But sometimes has a tendency to leave a trail of pregnancy. That's right ladies, i'm gonna get all y'all pregnant! Mmhmmm yeah he is Hide yo daughters!