Upon this pulpit, I stand with salvation in hand Prepare for the devil come this noon Depart from me, to your tomb To your tomb, to your tomb You and I are dying flesh We've seen many laid to rest Creatures full of mighty grief Steal your soul and drag to hell On this day the stories tell Worship now, avoid the thief Final judgement coming fast Don't let this day be your last What will be your final breath Nothing certain for tomorrow As you wallow in your sorrow Will not know our day of death Rise, and kill Mortimer Sacrifice, into eternal fire He will kill us where we stand Even on this holy land Guard the altar with our life Veiled secret can't be told Here we'll watch our death unfold Battle for unholy strife Below the altar three feet down In a cast and under ground Treasures hide from villain eyes The book of life is locked away With golden key, where this must stay Adoid our death and sure demise Rise, and kill Mortimer Sacrifice, into eternal fire Wrath of blood, steeple of fire I warned them all, and in their lies I see the horror in dying eyes Trapped in fire, cross will burn Bathed in flames, I hear your cry The smell of flesh is drifting high There is no where left to turn On the floor you try to crawl And work your way to heavens hall Let my pistol be your guide One by one I shoot to kill For ending life is at my will No survivors, all shall die Die, I am Mortimer Sacrifice, into eternal fire Upon this pulpit, now burned Town in fear, left alone Hell gave mercy, no turn Five more dead, five lost souls