The coffin varnish, the drink of choice The stages dust, as dancing girls, ply the trade Den of iniquity, ramblers music plays Oak and brass, nude portrait, sings to me Calico queen, do I ride your river of fate Sweet miss Vines, do I leave this well of hell Calice queen, do I rely on what you tell Sweet miss Vines, do you care to die Intruders ears, are about the rail Wretched eyes, away from this place As night falls, away from this place I'll tell of treasuresm we'll divide the take Calico queen, who is he, your eyes behold Sweet miss Vines, is my gun all you need Calico queen, meet you at the rippling waters Sweet miss Vines, you the nightingale, sings tonight Stranger as you leave Be forwarned Mine eyes are watching you I prosper in this hole See the gal, she'll ruin you Think twice, to heed her view Anything you can have You'll hire to be my hand There's no future, here in hell I'm Hatchet Jack, from Misery Hill You'll find fame, fortune too Or a marble orchard view Hatchet Jack, I presume you challenged me Mr Hargrove, now you die