These Are They

Gospel Of a Bullet

These Are They

Gospel of a bullet
The only faith I know
I see you pray at the waters
Do you repent the sins you sow

Tell me now of this fortune
You insist I follow through
Do not lie of the man I shot
In my wake do dead haunt you

Hatchet Jack kept the books
Of the lost banshee mines
Preacher mordecai gates, knows
Marshall black will hunt for you

Tell me how we find the mines
Tell me who I see
Come up from off your kneew
Speak now what you keep from me

Under the alter
They keep the map in a vaulted case
Marshall black has the key
Upon the land in his place

I will find and steal the key
While mordecai is fast asleep
The I'll creep into your room
Fine company you shall keep

Into the night
Stay from ones sight
For my return
One candle's light

Gospel of a bullet
The only faith I know
I've seen you pray at the waters
Did you repent the sins you sow

Now I'm told of this fortune
I insist you follow through
Do not lie to me tonight
In my wake do dead haunt you