Not of this earth, I'm granted flesh and I'm embodied 1889 This time I look human but what I really am is disguised Destroying a race regretlessly I symbolize the infinite while you are symbols for the expendable I'm the kind of being that lives to destroy and to destroy only You'll never glimpse, you'll never grasp the visions I see A brand new reality From virus to human, embodied for war This vengeance is mine, to rid the world of the swine Returning again and again, I come in different shapes and forms Disaster, disease I've been it all, now I'm a plague in human form terror distorts their faces when they catch the inhuman glance in my eyes When they see the pure hatred inside, in my eyes world wars arise Blessed by destiny I form a new world With a nation behind me the holocaust is a fact They worship and fear me, they sense what I am I lead them and they don't know if victory or loss is at hand The wounds I inflict on history will remain for all eternity