Observe that which is The patricidal instigation For he carved the plane That shall ever separate them With tainted cresecent red Duality emboldened So lies the celestial sphere Under ages golden Behold the sterile father, suspended in torment Ever in sight of the earth Bask in the liberation of the fertile mother, For the ascendant sought blood in the pit, and returned Ending in rapture Vengeance enthroned The ancient tremors imprisoned In depth's deathly hold How it strangles the air! With victorious volition Now twice hath kings Conquered creation Does the harvest of the soil Not yield the poisoned fruits of mortality? Condensing into matters of which the particles know not, Fear for the hearts of men For the children of the deathless have become Fear for the fate that haunts immortals While the cursed sickle still shines with divine blood Conjurer of man's affliction Creatrix, primordial dark How the world shall tremble Under the gravity of your mark Pontus, giver of life With heaven restrained So followed the floods The ancestral cells Abiogenesis: The great divide Unbound essence! Reap the golden crop That grows in the shadows of othrys For last it shall not