Theocracy A.D.

Fattened And Slaughtered

Theocracy A.D.

You shepherds of old were exalted by God
To take care of His flock
Because care was not taken your eyes did stray
They're scattered in the dark
To find them now an impossible task
Your destiny you did choose
Pity on you and those that you lost
For your life you must now lose
Woe be to shepherds who don't feed the sheep
But indulge in gluttony
You didn't help the lame or heal the sick
In time you will be...

Fattened--And slaughtered!
Fattened--And slaughtered!

The spiritual gifts you've failed to give
Are crying out in vain.
The cries of the poor reach the ears of the Lord
They're spelling out your name.
You ate of the fat and killed them that are fed
But the flock you did not feed.
Since they became prey for the beasts of the field
What you've done you've done to me.

I shall between the goats and the rams!
It's My flock and My voice they heed
For deliverance by My hand
You have lived in luxury.
And loved your self-indulgent ways
You've fattened yourself for the slaughter
Their blood is yours to pay.