Thenha Collins

Break Up With Me Again

Thenha Collins

I just wanted a chance
I thought it was incredible to have finished
You are always friendly

This is short
The world spins and maybe I do not stress
This calls me
Scream for me

Break again
Break up with me again
I'm tired of being left out

Lady Robson helped me
Thank you
Yzabell Cabello helped me
You just saw

I just saw my suffering from afar
Discuss with me next time
Tell in person
Do not hide

Break again
Break up with me again
I'm tired of being left out

Lady Robson helped me
Thank you
Yzabell Cabello helped me
You just saw

Do not be difficult
Be sweet
Love me again?
Love me hurts

Break again
Break up with me again
I'm tired of being left out

I finished