I like awake and I’m listening to the face.. Remote control on that death patrol Stoking the zone with air force... For no and ever after.. A thousand computer screens, You think of green and .. I touch your button and you’re wiped out... Here we come, here we come Here come the Americans! Mr. President, thank you for lowering the prices of our medicine Being at the Bush war has created more war veterans, Weapons of mass destruction still tehre’s no evidence For our ... moving in all in America residence! Dream houses, drug cartel .. While celebrity... Facing this.. what we took from the masses, ..middle classes, classes, classes Here we come! I love you Mr. President! You look at me but you can’t see, The wood full of trees or the concrete for the streets ... I’m living the slum... at your residence I love you Mr. President! Mr. President you got the whole country in debt, Get your family more wealthy, while we suffer for it! I’m talking Bush not Obama, Did the same as his mother for the... The soldiers thought they got for the other! .. what did you just say? When Katrina hit you, you couldn’t even come to... Had to come original for a strong foundation Need the rights to ... to rebuild a greater nation! Congratulations to the flag of United States of America And to the Republic for what you stand, One day.... liberty and justice...